Success! We have a stepping little boy! He apparently decided that yes, in fact, he can get from point a to point by standing on two feet. I guess that’s what all these tall people do every day.
I wonder a little bit if he isn’t slightly genius. His daycare class is made up of children all born within about two months of each other, except for a couple of babies. He was the only one of the six older kids who wasn’t trundling around on two feet – the rest were all running everywhere by now. However, right around 15 months is when they start moving up to the next class room, depending on their ability to cope (sometimes younger ones go long before older kids if they can adjust more easily).
As of today, only two of the other five kids are still in Levi’s class. One of them is only there a couple of days a week, and the other is a little girl who only started walking a couple of weeks ago herself. I think Levi was waiting until he could be the big impressive little boy with his steps, the man on top of the mountain, as it were, and not be lost in the group of toddlers who’d been walking for ages, that’s old news bro.
But nonetheless, he now has some stepping power!
The little man also has begun mimicking sounds and sort of words. Still no mama or dada language, but he has a book we keep in the car that makes various animal noises, and in the mornings on the way to daycare I can hear him trying to copy the sounds.
It’s made me realize how many sounds I myself make – sometimes he’ll copy me with a little ditty or word I was saying – well, copy as closely as he can.
Levi is more and move loving to discover how things work. If we have a cord plugged into one of our outlets, he comes over with the outlet cover we would normally have there and tries to unplug the cord to put the outlet cover back. Safety first! He loves the wooden puzzles where you put pieces in the carved out spots, or putting lids on his cups or bowls. He'll try to find the right hole for any sort of small toy - he put a cork in a decorative jug without any direction while we were visiting a friends' house today.
He also can make his own fountains :) In the tub, he'll take our green pour cup and half-fill it with water, and then shake it so the water comes out in spurts, like a fountain! We call it the Levi fountain.
We had a visit a couple of weekends ago with Tim's best friend from childhood, Ryan, his wife Jen, and their five-month-old, Declan. Levi is actually not much bigger than Declan, but more mobile. And Levi doesn't sleep as much, unfortunately. We spend a weekend on a cabin overlooking one of the fingerlakes, with a wrap-around deck and big picture windows. We used to go camping with them every summer, but with small children we've graduated to air-conditioned cabins :)
Levi had his 15-month doctor's appointment last week (!!! how can he be so old!) He's 22.6 pounds, in the about 20th percentile, and 30.5 inches tall, in the 40th percentile or so. So he's not growing up quite as fast, and becoming heavy enough to give my arm quite a workout when I carry him around. One of my junior high girls asked me if my arms are ever sore from carrying him, and I was like, YES. all the time. Good news though, I went back to the gym about a month ago and have been going at least three days/week, so I'm starting to get more in shape, and hopefully my arms won't hurt as much. I did a CrossFit workout on Thursday though, and I'm still hurting Saturday afternoon. Apparently it takes more than 4 weeks to get back in shape, man.
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