Shortly after we left off, Levi got to spend a week with Tim's parents, his Nannan and Papa, while we
When we got back, Levi had, of course, changed so much in just one week! He was a little confused at first when we both walked in his room Monday morning, but seemed game to get ready and go to daycare with me.
He learned to say the "s" sound while we were gone. He also was willing to try to blow his nose by himself. and managed to stack about half of our wood pile in his play slide. And can climb the really steep stairs at the playground all by himself. and probably dozens of more things that I can't remember
right now.
In some ways, Levi seems to be learning in leaps and bounds - we got him magnets for his birthday, and he constantly pretends to count them. He now actually gets upset if he can't help clean up his messes, and will tell us when there is a mess to clean up. He finally stopped trying to knock over my piles of folded laundry. He also seems to know where the oreos are at any time, even though we try to hide them.
He had a moment of sanity around two dogs the other day - usually he freaks out and starts screaming and shaking. But he let a little Shitzu and an old mutt come up and sniff him, and seemed kind of sort of OK, as long as I had my arms around him.
Anytime the nurse or doc came near him, he just started wailing inconsolably. And that was before the blood stick.
We had his second birthday party over the weekend, with a picnic in the park and delicious pork made by Tim, and some of my family, our neighbors and some friends just handing out, playing some bocce ball and
blowing some bubbles :) Levi seemed to enjoy it, and of course some of his presents later as well. He got a Red Sox hat to match his Daddy, and some new socks. And a new fan in his big-boy room installed compliments of his Grumpy.
#BostonStrong |
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