And by the goose, we mean Theo. Who, I am proud to announce, has finally decided walking is good
skill to have. He was starting to get bored with the infant room at school, since many of the kids are smaller with him and its not really geared to toddlers. So in the past week or so, when staffing allows, a teacher has brought him over to the one-year-old room to play. And he loooooves it. And all the kids in that room walk (its a requirement to move up). Just today, the tiny one spent most of the evening cruising around the house walking. 'Bout time. He can't get much chubbier, he needs to start evening out:
We celebrated First Christmas with Tim's family over Thanksgiving - a four-day visit involving 24 hours without power (fried chicken for Thanksgiving!) and almost three days without wifi. We had a great time playing, decorating for Christmas, playing in the snow, and eating delicious food. Which is good, because the 11-hour trip back on Sunday was not my favorite ever.
Theo has also started saying "What's that?" incessantly. We answer all of his questions, and a lot of times he tried to repeat the words, little cutie pie.
Levi also asks lots of questions. I can't imagine where he gets that inquisitiveness from :) He also loves to help bake (we finally got an oven!), cook, set the table, and put together puzzles. And wearing slippers like Daddy.
Aright. Friday. That's all I got. Enjoy the pics!