Wednesday night? Not so bad. Certainly I was tired (stayed up until 1 a.m. the night before) and a smidge cranky, namely with my waning strength to help Tim with some woodwork installing. But overall, we both just kept trucking until everything was complete.
Flying an airplane while he sleeps |
Not only do I have “staying awake to accomplish everything in a mostly lucid state on only three hours of sleep” superpower, I also have The Force. On Tuesday night, Levi slept for TEN HOURS straight. We marked it down to a fluke b/c he hadn’t slept much at daycare that day. But the next night, this time even more amidst banging, drilling, vacuuming (at 11:30 p.m., no less), sawing, dragging furniture around, etc. Levi slept for 9.5 hours!!! On Wednesday night, shortly before falling asleep at 3 a.m., I said out loud “Levi, you will NOT wake Mommy up between now and 6:30 when I have to get up to feed you before we get ready for the day.” And (long, dramatic pause with face screwed up in utter astonishment at my own force of awesomeness) it worked!!! [update one week later: Levi has hit his three-month growth spurt, so he is now eating twice/night instead of zero times per night. Ah well, you can’t win ‘em all.]
Working on finding his thumb on occassion |
I should note that Tim also said “Honey, I’d like it if our house looked like this all the time.” I told him that he should get right on that.
[I have a poop story. But per this post, I’m not allowed to write about it yet.]
I like to sleep with my arm extended.... |
We have been tackling bath time recently. Both mommy remembering to GIVE the poor boy a bath (it’s not like he really gets dirty!) and making it more fun for the little man. Tuesday night was mostly success – he really hates when I pour water on his head to wash his hair, so that part ended not so well, and the 90 seconds it takes me to quick rub him dry all over, throw the diaper on and get him in an outfit again are also much protested (he HATES being cold). But the other parts he finds quite enjoyable. I confess to teaching him how to kick his legs to splash water – which I will later regret, I’m sure. Right now his bath is up on the kitchen sink and I have to stand on my tippy-toes to bathe him, so I don’t get too wet and my back doesn’t get too sore